Sunday 12 January 2014

ed è gia passato un mese

Ebbene si.
Un mese fa (ieri) la mia vita e quella di Ida è cambiata. Diciamo per sempre.
Poi io sono un po' contrario a "sempre" o "mai" e cose così... ma in questo caso direi che il "per sempre" è corretto.
Non capita tutti gli anni di diventare genitori.
Abbiamo anche fatto un piccolo festeggiamento e in 3 abbiamo fatto colazione a tavola. C'era anche una tortina alle pere (per i più grandi).

Ad un mese di distanza, sento l'esigenza di introdurre un nuovo tag per etichettare i post. Tale tag sarà "traumi".

Ah, beh, in english.
It first happened during the 2013 Xmas vacation, when we were at home.
Our daughter had to be diaper-changed and I did what is my main duty: I took her to the diaper-changing table and did my job.
Unfortunately the little one's underpants remained entangled in one of her little hands. "I'll easily grab that with my mouth" I thought while I was already using my mouth to bite and hold them...only to discover I was biting my daughter little finger. Poor one. She started to cry so hard I thought I severely injured her. Probably I had not but her little finger had a little red bump for a couple of days.

After that we found the way to hit her with a plastic luminous mushroom that is, originally, one of those light for babies, that one can keep on all night long to create a soft light in the baby's room, when is dark.
Since we have no baby's room and since our daughter decided that she had to sleep with us, we simply adopted the plastic mushroom. So now our bed is inhabited by: Ida, Daria May, Mr Dragon, Piña, the mushroom and I.
Ida likes to use the plastic soft-light-maker mushroom while she feeds Daria May at night. Well, it happened that one night, while Ida was holding up the mushroom trying to feed Daria May... and Daria May was screaming and making those noise that only she can produce... the plastic mushroom fell. And it fell right onto Daria May's head.
She stopped crying. Immediately. We thought to have made her stupid forever. But after few minutes she started to cry again. So we understood nothing had happened.

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